Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed Ejaculation

Conventionally, therapy for delayed ejaculation involves lots of discussion of “emotional issues”. You delve down into the emotional baggage of the past. This allows you to uncover the psychodynamic issues which lie at the root of issues like delayed ejaculation and premature ejaculation.

Some people seem to think delayed ejaculation is caused by physical issues. But there is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to suggest this is true. In fact, the idea that delayed ejaculation is caused by an oversensitive penis has been disproved many times.

Doctors have used vibrator tests on the penis to check this. They show that if there are any effects are due to oversensitivity, it’s an oversensitivity of the nervous system. This may be something related to the “highly sensitive person” syndrome.

So if you accept that delayed ejaculation is in fact a psychological issue then it’s quite obvious that a psychological cure can be the way to deal with it. As I already mentioned, classically this would involve psychotherapy. And many men are reluctant to engage in the process of psychotherapy because of the expense and the embarrassment may ensue from revealing personal details about sex. That especially applies to you if you are a man who does not know how to maintain sexual pleasure in your relationship.

Something that many people have found effective for dealing with ejaculation problems is hypnosis. You can find many effective and powerful self hypnosis treatments on the Internet. These are available for download as MP3 recordings which you can put onto an iPlayer or MP3 player and use at your convenience.

In general treatments like this will require you to play recording at least once or possibly twice a day. You need to do this for several weeks before you can see an improvement.

However the comparative cheapness, and high level of effectiveness of these programs do make them highly desirable. Many men who want to improve their sexual performance have found them helpful.

Whether or not these programs get to the root of the psychodynamic issues which can lie behind delayed ejaculation is an open question. It’s much more likely that they overlay a new “program” in the subconscious over the old fear or anger based behavior.

This is the essence of techniques used by personal development therapists at seminars like Tony Robbins. In a state of high energy, a new behavior pattern can be laid down over the old one, supplanting it and taking its place, and bringing about changes in behavior.

There are other ways of “altering” a psychological “program” laid down in the subconscious, including the use of the alpha state of deep relaxation. This basically amounts to much the same thing as self hypnosis. Indeed, this is the state of mind in which you should listen to a self hypnosis tape.

It appears that the self hypnosis process can be just as effective in eliminating old patterns of behavior. The effectiveness matches that of “treatment” undertaken in a state of high energy in the kind of seminars that I referred to above.

Now, having said all that, the question is – how are you going to go about selecting a self hypnosis tape? Well, first of all you need one that helps you to visualize. This is especially true if you’re not practiced in the art of visualization.

Although people tend to think that visualization is a difficult skill, it certainly isn’t – it just requires practice.

Even so, I lose track of the number of people that I’ve met over the years who make a bold statement like “I can’t visualize.” The truth is that they haven’t practiced, or they don’t feel the motivation to do so.

Sometimes, I admit, they don’t have the techniques at their disposal. So a self hypnosis recording which can encourage visualization is a great start, So is one that can actually take you through a guided meditation.

In other words, you actually want to find one recorded specifically for the sake of delayed ejaculation. As you  you use it, you engage with a state of relaxation in which your brain can be “reprogrammed”, subtly, slowly, and effectively.

Some will know that this is very similar to the techniques used in manifestation and visualization. I do want to say a few words about that in this post.

Visualization and manifestation techniques rely on psychological imagery to reprogram the brain to “expect” a different outcome in a given situation.

Whether or not there’s any mystical aspect to this process is another issue. You don’t have to assume that when the subconscious mind believes something to be true it goes about creating it in physical reality!

The reason for this is that the brain can’t tolerate cognitive dissonance. It can’t tolerate difference between the reality as perceived by the senses and the reality as recorded in the brain. When there is a difference it seeks to change the external world. In this case, this is basically your sexual performance. It changes it to a different physical reality so that mind and body are in line. That’s the essence of manifestation and visualization, so there’s no mystery about the process.

All in all therefore, mental techniques can be used to program the subconscious mind to expect a different outcome. This is true whether that’s in terms of prosperity, relationships, sexual performance, or indeed anything else.

Whether or not this works for you is actually going to be entirely up to the dedication with which you approach the technique. At the end of the day, nobody can make any changes to your sexual performance except yourself.

You do have to do commit to a certain amount of time to use these techniques. Whether using self hypnosis or visualization, you’re going to need to meditate for about 10 or 15 minutes twice a day.

This hardly seems like a huge investment of time. Whether or not you’re willing to make it shows how seriously you are approaching your delayed ejaculation or other sexual dysfunction.

If you’re highly motivated to cure the problem, this investment of time will seem very insignificant. It’s certainly true that the rewards in terms of an improved sexual life can outweigh the cost and investment of time you need to make.